Garden Wonders

We’ve been getting a few every day, but today is the first day there was enough ready for the whole family to enjoy. 
It just keeps growing. 🙂 
Those sprouts are already plants. The photo I posted yesterday was taken less than 24 hours ago. The changes at this time of year always makes me want to set up a time elapse camera to watch them grow. Yes, I am totally a nerd. 

Caprese Salad

The basil plants doubled in size with the last few days of warm weather. I needed to prune a couple today and since I didn’t have any fresh mozzarella, I improvised with pepper jack cheese. Thick slices of tomato, pepper jack and basil drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Despite using the wrong cheese and store bought tomatoes, it still tasted like summer on a plate.
